20 Jul Summer’s End Drinks!
It’s the 1st of September. Work starts again. Summer is over. Summer is over?? No! You are invited to revisit Summer one last time at the Game Bakery!
Talk about games, check out some locally sourced projects, and enjoy a tropical drink! Talking about drinks, this is a non-alcholic event, to ensure that anyone feels welcome to join.
Plus, with Gamescom happening one week before, this is our “Games! Come!” event. That’s right: showcases are once again happening, and it’s not just Game Bakery projects. We want to continue the tradition of showing each other what we are making. Be it a small jam game, your next entertainment game or a game you made for a client (and can legally show 🕴), please get in touch if you would like to join the showcase!
N.B.: To accomodate those joining us right after work, we’ll make sure you won’t grow hungry 🍕!
- Casual networking event, free entry, (non-alcoholic) drinks are on us
- Anyone who works with games, studies or is very passionate about (making) games is welcome
- Play games or bring your own, please let us know here if you are bringing something
- Doors open at 17:30, we will provide pizza around 18:30-19:00